Dark Glass Ponderings

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. -1 Corinthians 13:12

I love the byline of this book: Satisfying your deepest desire with God, not food.  If you're looking for a book with dieting tips, don't bother with this book.  Lysa's book is about the journey.  Its about finding contentment in God, rather than twinkies.  

After conversations with my husband, I've come to the conclusion that most men don't think of food in the same way women do.  My husband seldom spends time thinking what's for his next meal and for the most part he is content to eat whatever is placed in front of him (not a bad position for a wife to be in).  

Anyhow, high cholesterol has led me to change the way I think about food.  Statistics show that most Americans spend a large portion of their lives gaining and losing the same pounds over and over again.  Lysa's book isn't about dieting, its about giving God control of our eating.  

I don't necessarily think every person needs to be as strict as Lysa is in restricting food, although maybe God will convict me differently later.  I believe its about being led by the Spirit, however.  

I appreciated especially Lysa's reflective questions.  I also love the fact that she includes Scripture to reflect on.  Memorizing and meditating on Scripture is such a key to overcoming sin.  Although I have finished reading this book I plan to spend time journaling on the questions further.

I highly recommend this book, not as a weight loss book but I think this would also be great for those who struggle with any other habit.


Most women I know have a love/hate relationship with food. Maybe we just make an emotional connection to anything that so consistently satisfies! I struggle with not caring enough to plan well-balanced meals. Especially since my mom won't touch veggies! (I have to hide her candy because she'll eat a few weeks' worth in a few days. I guess by the time you're 81 you figure you can do what you want!) . . . Anyway, the focus of this book sounds good--contentment in God. I guess that's the bottom line for every life issue . . . Blessings, Julia!

I would really like to read this book, especially after your great review, Julia! I was telling my mom about it the other day and she was interested as well. I want to crave God above all else and have found that gluttony comes in many forms, not just food. If I'm gonna overindulge I want it to be on His Word and it sounds like this book will encourage that :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

I think you're right, Renee. Interesting that Eve's fall involved a piece of fruit. Thanks for sharing from your heart. Interesting how our struggles often don't change, I'm reminded of that sometimes as I teach the preschoolers class at my church. Teaching is so convicting!


You are so right. I don't know if you have ever visited Lysa's blog, but she has been tying this book in to other issues. And you're right there are so many other forms of gluttony...lately I have been led to make changes in the way I use my time, my diet, and my books.

I think you'll enjoy this one, especially the discussion questions.

Julia M. Reffner

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Christ-loving bookworm & homeschool mom of 2 stealing the rare quiet moments to pursue that all elusive writing dream. I also write book reviews for Title Trakk and The Historical Novel Society.


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