Dark Glass Ponderings

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. -1 Corinthians 13:12

We're not going to be doing any formal homeschooling in July, so I think this feature is going to take a summer break, too.

What are your summer plans?  Are there any special activities you do annually with your kids in the summer?


We're headed out on our first long family road trip in July. I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes...we're headed to Arizona, nothing like the desert in mid-July, lol....

That sounds like a lot of fun, always an adventure with littles.

Julia M. Reffner

About Me

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Christ-loving bookworm & homeschool mom of 2 stealing the rare quiet moments to pursue that all elusive writing dream. I also write book reviews for Title Trakk and The Historical Novel Society.


Contributor at The Writer's Alley:


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